Well, hello!
I'm Lacy!
I'm a brand expert, marketing strategist, storyteller, wordsmith, and coach.
I help authors sell more books, increase their visibility and exposure, become and industry leading expert, and attract their ideal readers using storytelling, strategies, and proven formulas.
I have over 16 years of sales and marketing experience, helping entrepreneurs and national and global businesses strengthen their brands, gain more visibility, create an experience for their audience and clients, attract more leads, and generate more revenue.
Then, over 3 years ago, I founded Black Fox Marketing so I could expand my marketing service offerings. I am now dedicated to helping authors immortalize their legacy and sell more books.
Using the same formulas, I’ll help you:

Over 8 years ago, I followed my passions and founded my first company, an editing and marketing firm, where I helped authors shape and share their stories to their readers, and I'm so proud to say that over 90% of the books I worked with achieved best seller status, with many of them winning global awards in their categories. So I'm no stranger to coaching authors and writing, publishing, and marketing books.
Sell more books
Expand your reach and exposure
Build trust and credibility with your audience
Become known as the leading expert in your industry
Reach a massive global audience
Add clarity and consistency to your messaging
Post on social media with ease
Attract your ideal readers
Build a legacy that will enrich the lives of so many others
Today is the day.
I’m passionate about helping those that are value-driven and truly want to create a better world. And the best way to succeed in that is by having your message heard and getting your book into people's hands..
So If you have the passion, drive, and desire to expand and need support to get you there, let’s connect!